Saturday, December 6, 2008

Twilight Writer's Internet Strategy

The Twilight series has really taken off and moved its author, Stephenie Meyers, from major YA to adult genre status.

The Twilight books are huge in my 7th grade classes, another Harry Potter-like craze, especially for my female students. I even have boys reading this book. Students line up in the class library to check out the book as soon as its returned. The other books in the series are just as hot.

But this success didn't happen instantly. This L.A. Times article below explains Meyers' use of the internet to improve her profile among readers. It's a good example of a marketing strategy that might benefit other writers.

Meyers begain blogging early in her career and responded to the questions of interested readers and writers. She appeared on their blogs, and encouraged them to participate in the emerging Twilight mania. In one case, she encouraged the development of a Twilight lexicon online.

As Meyers produced more books in the series, she continued her strategy and her fan base grew. Now she's huge in Y.A. and has launched a new adult genre book.

Check out and LA Times article about her success at:,0,5711081.story

Or go to her website at to see it in action.

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